SAMPLE: Hours of Service Log Policy

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Here is a policy a TSS system owner has implemented and published. They have allowed sharing of this information. You are welcome to use this as a whole, or use it as a baseline for your own custom policy. If you make a policy you feel like sharing, please let us know!



A drivers hours of service are regulated by Federal, State and Local agencies and are part of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations, specifically contained in 49 CFR Part 395.1 thru 395.15 and the Ontario Highway Transportation Act.

Compass Coach is strongly committed to being in full compliance with the current Federal Hours of Service (HOS) Regulations.  All company operations employees and company employed drivers are subject to this Hours of Service Log Policy.

All drivers have a working BLANK Unit installed in their vehicle, each driver is required to Log In and use the Hours of Service (ELOG) portion on the system. If the BLANK system is inoperable, drivers are required to use only the forms provided by COMAPNY NAME  to keep track of their HOS.

Per FMCSA Part 395.5;

No motor carrier shall permit or require any driver used by it to drive a passenger-carrying commercial vehicle, nor shall any such driver drive a passenger-carrying commercial motor vehicle:

  • More than 10 hours following 8 consecutive hours off duty; or
  • for any period after having been on duty 15 hours following 8 consecutive hours off duty.

No motor carrier shall permit or require a driver of a passenger-carrying commercial motor vehicle to drive, nor shall any driver drive a passenger-carrying commercial motor vehicle, regardless of the number of motor carriers using the driver’s services, for any period after –

  • Having been on duty 70 hours in any period of 8 consecutive days.


On-duty time is defined as:

  • Inspecting, servicing, or conditioning of a commercial vehicle
  • Time spent in your vehicle
  • Loading or unloading your vehicle
  • Repairing, obtaining assistance, or attending to a disabled vehicle
  • Performing any other work for a motor carrier
  • Complying with drug and alcohol testing requirements
  • Performing compensated work for any other employer

70 Hours of Service Rule:

Compass Coach, Inc. operates every day of the week, and therefore running under the 70 hours in 8 day rule.  Which means, no driver shall drive or be allowed to drive after accumulating 70 hours on-duty time in 8 consecutive days.

Adverse Driving Conditions:

The only rule a driver can use to add time to their driving is for Adverse Driving Conditions.

Adverse Driving Condition is defined in 49 CFR Part 395.2 as when:

  • There is sudden weather change of snow, sleet, fog, or other adverse weather condition;
  • The highway is covered with snow or ice (Due to an unexpected storm);
  • There is an unusual road and or traffic condition (Road closure due to an accident)

All of these conditions must not be apparent on the basis of information known to the person dispatching the run at the time it was begun.  This is referring, but not limited to:

  • Weather reports;
  • Road construction;
  • Known traffic conditions for certain times of the day (rush hour)

Drivers who are dispatched after the motor carrier has been notified or should have known of adverse driving conditions are not eligible for the two hours additional driving time provided for under 395.1(b), adverse driving conditions.

The term “emergency conditions” shall not be construed as encompassing such situations as a driver’s desire to get home, customers demands, shortage of drivers, or mechanical failures.